Perking up your accessories will brighten your day, not just your handbag | Jess Cartner-Morley on fashion

Choose vivid colours for your small accessories – so they’re easy to pick out and, more importantly, joyful

We choose a handbag for the way it looks on the outside, but the view we see the most of is its innards. The under-the-bonnet view is the one you notice when you’re digging out your keys or having a panicked have-I-lost-my-phone rummage. I just had a peek in mine and – wow, not a pretty sight. Two pen lids (no pens), some tissues of dubious hygiene standards, a satsuma that has picked up an unappetising odour of dog treat.

The inside of your bag is an easy project to ignore because no one else sees it. It is the wardrobe equivalent of that junk drawer full of flyers for window cleaning services and half-used blister packs of Nurofen. The inevitable backdraft of a busy life.

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​Choose vivid colours for your small accessories – so they’re easy to pick out and, more importantly, joyfulWe choose a handbag for the way it looks on the outside, but the view we see the most of is its innards. The under-the-bonnet view is the one you notice when you’re digging out your keys or having a panicked have-I-lost-my-phone rummage. I just had a peek in mine and – wow, not a pretty sight. Two pen lids (no pens), some tissues of dubious hygiene standards, a satsuma that has picked up an unappetising odour of dog treat.The inside of your bag is an easy project to ignore because no one else sees it. It is the wardrobe equivalent of that junk drawer full of flyers for window cleaning services and half-used blister packs of Nurofen. The inevitable backdraft of a busy life. Continue reading… 

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